COVID-19 - Cycle 1 Week 4

by James Nock — in


Here we are guys, week 4 of no pool. Below is a short video and the training plans for this week.

Extra special focus on RMAP and stretching this week.

Keep up the good work πŸ’ͺ

06/04/2020 - 12/04/2020

We're in to the swing of things with training from home now (I hope)... this week largely be about maintaining what we have whilst getting a little more mobile at the same time.

Warm Up

15 minutes RMAP

5 - 10 minutes foam rolling


5 minutes as:

  • 45 secs jogging on the spot or skipping
  • 10 lunges
  • 10 squats

Repeat until 5 minutes is up

Main Set

Do 2 of these today with at least 3 hours gap between them. Keep your Heart Rate at 80% of your max heart rate, or lower.

x = 25 minutes if you're new to this exercise, 35 minutes if you know what you're doing, 45 minutes if you're really good at it.

Option 1

Run for x minutes - Keep your shoulders back and think about posture. If you're running outside, don't be tempted to walk. Do 4:30 running, then lunges or squats up until 5 minutes (so 30 seconds of lunges/squats) and repeat until the time is up.

Option 2

Row for x minutes - Set intensity to half available if you've not used the rowing machine before and work up/down from there each 500m until you find the sweet spot. Keep your back straight and do not lean backwards. Do 4:30 rowing, then lunges or squats up until 5 minutes (so 30 seconds of lunges/squats) and repeat until the time is up.

Option 3

Cycle for x minutes on a static bike or for 2x if outdoors. If you're cycling indoors, do 4:30 cycling, then lunges or squats up until 5 minutes (so 30 seconds of lunges/squats) and repeat until the time is up.

Warm down

Spend 5 minutes either walking, rowing on a light intensity or cycling slowly.

15 minutes stretching

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Warm Up

15 minutes RMAP

5 - 10 minutes foam rolling


10 minutes as:

Main Set

Repeat 3 times through - All exercises 30 secs per exercise with 10 secs rest in between.

Important: Please skip out all 'plank' exercises and swap the seated scissor kick for backstroke kick instead.

At Home Core Workout

Warm down

Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds - As always… be careful, don’t rush anything and never pull hard!

15 minutes stretching - include the below stretches in addition to your normal ones:

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NOTE: Swimmers, we're going to have a 'Zoom' chat TOMORROW evening at 7pm. Please can you download the app to a suitable device - a tablet is probably better if you have one as there will be quite a few of us on there. πŸ˜€ I will post the 'meeting id' to your parents via WhatsApp just before 7pm.

Zoom for iOS | Zoom for Android

Warm Up

15 minutes RMAP

5 - 10 minutes foam rolling


5 minutes skipping, can you "double under"?

Main Set

Do 2 of these today with at least 3 hours gap between them. Keep your Heart Rate at 80% of your max heart rate, or lower.

x = 25 minutes if you're new to this exercise, 35 minutes if you know what you're doing, 45 minutes if you're really good at it.

Option 1

Run for x minutes - Keep your shoulders back and think about posture. If you're running outside, don't be tempted to walk.

Option 2

Row for x minutes - Set intensity to half available if you've not used the rowing machine before and work up/down from there each 500m until you find the sweet spot. Keep your back straight and do not lean backwards.

Option 3

Cycle for x minutes on a static bike or for 2x if outdoors.

Warm down

Spend 5 minutes either walking, rowing on a light intensity or cycling slowly.

15 minutes stretching

Download as PDF

NOTE: Swimmers, we're going to have a 'Zoom' chat THIS evening at 7pm. Please can you download the app to a suitable device - a tablet is probably better if you have one as there will be quite a few of us on there. πŸ˜€ I will post the 'meeting id' to your parents via WhatsApp just before 7pm.

Zoom for iOS | Zoom for Android

Warm Up

15 minutes RMAP

5 - 10 minutes foam rolling


5 minutes as:

Repeat until 5 minutes is up

Main Set

Do 2 of these today with at least 3 hours gap between them. Keep your Heart Rate at 80% of your max heart rate, or lower.

x = 25 minutes if you're new to this exercise, 35 minutes if you know what you're doing, 45 minutes if you're really good at it.

Option 1

Run for x minutes - Keep your shoulders back and think about posture. If you're running outside, don't be tempted to walk.

Option 2

Row for x minutes - Set intensity to half available if you've not used the rowing machine before and work up/down from there each 500m until you find the sweet spot. Keep your back straight and do not lean backwards.

Option 3

Cycle for x minutes on a static bike or for 2x if outdoors.

Warm down

Spend 5 minutes either walking, rowing on a light intensity or cycling slowly.

15 minutes stretching

Download as PDF

Your choice

The weather is stunning, go and enjoy it πŸ˜€


Happy Easter everyone

I hope you enjoy it!


Disclaimer: always ensure you are working in a safe environment and be sensible. If you choose to do these workouts then you do so at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any injury that occurs as a result.

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